Supplier Portal

Supplier Portal

Facilitate Effective Collaboration Between Retailers and Vendors Through A Common Platform.
How We Work

We enhance supplier relationships by connecting vendors to store teams through a central portal powered by K2 technology


Streamline Vendor Management

The Supplier Portal improves responsiveness and agility by streamlining all communications between retail stores and vendors when coordinating purchases, logistics, returns, and promotions.

24/7 Access to Real-Time Data

When a supplier makes any changes to the data or information on goods, you want real-time access. With instant updates, the Supplier Portal allows retail stores to gain critical details for the vendor, distribution, and product.

Automations to Reduce Operational Costs

With real-time data reconciliation and an automated communication system, the Supplier Portal minimizes time spent manually retrieving and inputting that information. This frees up the staff for other work.

Improve Responsiveness and Agility with Real Time Vendor Collaboration Platform – Supply Portal

Why suppplier portal?

Built on the K2 platform, it increases efficiencies with real-time, automated processes for changes to data, logistics, goods information, delivery, and promotions.
Manage all communications between the vendor and retailer in one central location where it is possible to view the communication, chat, and correspondence history.
Your procurement team can focus on strategic processes and relationship building once the administrative burden of supplier management is eliminated.
Let us help you!
We will contact you to better identify your needs and set up an evaluation.